Make an Appointment: (775) 750-0766 |

Invest in Yourself

Individual Sessions  

Please look below for information on reduced rates, discounts, and insurance.

50 minute sessions                            $235

Couples Sessions 

50 minute sessions                            $235

90 minute sessions                            $275

3 hour couple intensives                   $750

(pre screening required)


Many people do not know that they can receive reimbursement from their plans for out of network providers. Each plan is different. Amaia will provide you with the paperwork you need to request a reimbursement from your insurance carrier if you are doing therapy with her in the state of NV or FL. 

Currently, I am only contracted with Hometown Health Plan in Nevada because we share similar ethical standards. I also accept credit, debit, or HSA cards. 

Reduced Rates

I do provide two appointment spaces each week for those who cannot afford my full rate. We can discuss what fee will work with your income. Please call to inquire if those appointment spaces are available or to get on the waiting list. 


There are discounts if you attend therapy weekly and/or attend group session. Please call to inquire. 

Cancellation Policy

As much as I value and honor your uniqueness, I also recognize the importance of time and commitment in the healing process. I understand that life can be unpredictable, and unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to the need for appointment changes. However, to ensure that I can continue to serve all of my incredible clients effectively, I have a cancelation policy in place. I kindly request that any appointment changes or cancelations be made at least 48 hours in advance. This advanced notice allows me to offer your time slot to others who may be eagerly seeking support on their own healing journeys. By adhering to this policy, you not only demonstrate consideration for your fellow humans but also help create a nurturing environment for everyone involved. Cancelations in less than 48 hours will result in the full cost of your session.